
How To Pack To Go Backpacking


Many people plan to go backpacking over the summer, whether it’s through mountains and forests, or interrailing through European cities. Backpacking can last for a couple of weeks, even months, so many people find it difficult to know what to pack! However, packing for a backpacking trip is so easy once you know where to start, and have a checklist for everything you need to bring with you. Here is an easy guide for how to pack when you go backpacking. 

Buy A Great Backpack 

One of the best tips, before you go backpacking, is to find a great backpack that will be able to carry all of your things. Firstly, you should find a backpack made of strong, durable material so you won’t worry about it falling apart on your trip. If you’re hiking in nature, this is especially important. You should also find one with lockable zippers, so you can make sure your luggage is protected during your travels. Try it on before you buy, so you can make sure that it is comfortable enough to carry around while you’re backpacking. 

Take A Day Pack With You 

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to going backpacking is not taking a day backpack with you. This is especially important if you’re backpacking through cities, and staying in hostels. When you’re exploring the cities and using public transport, you don’t want to be lugging a huge backpack with all of your clothes in it with you. As well as your big backpack, make sure that you bring a small day bag so you can carry your everyday essentials (such as your wallet and documents) around with you easily. 


You also may need to take certain gadgets with you, and this will change depending on whether you will need camping equipment or gadgets for a city trip. 

Swiss Army Knife

This one is only really relevant if you’re going to be camping in the wilderness and in the mountains, however, if you’re planning on hiking it may be very helpful! A Swiss army knife is very useful when it comes to cutting up food and opening cans, which is more useful when camping. However, they can also be used to open bottles, which could be helpful if you get invited to a party in Prague! Make sure you put it in your check-in luggage before flights, or it could get taken away from you. 

Travel Adapter 

This is one of the most important travel items for any seasoned traveller. An international travel adapter can be very useful, and some of the more high-tech ones have USB ports so you can charge multiple things. If you have a lot of gadgets such as laptops, phones and cameras that you need to charge, definitely invest in a couple of these. You could become very popular in hostels if you have one!

Toiletry Bag 

Investing in a good toiletry bag that can hold multiple bottles is one of the best things you can buy as a seasoned traveller. When you’re backpacking, you may need to pack up all of your items quickly, and being organised when it comes to your toiletries can make it much easier for you. Keeping your toiletry items in a compact bag can also save space in a backpack, leaving you more space for other items. It can also prevent you from accidentally leaving toiletries in hostels and having to buy new ones, as you will easily be able to see if something is missing!

What Clothes To Pack: 

Depending on your trip, you may need to pack different types of clothing. 

Good Trousers 

If you’re hiking through the mountains, you may need to invest in some special hiking gear so you can walk more. Good hiking trousers include cargo trousers and sweatpants, sporty but able to carry things. However, if you’re going on a city exploration trip, you may want to bring some good jeans instead. Choose jeans that you can easily mix and match with the jumpers and t-shirts you bring, so you can easily look stylish without much effort. 


No matter what type of backpacking trip you’re going on, bringing plenty of T-shirts is a good idea. They are very versatile and can be packed really easily and compactly. They’re also easy to wash no matter where you are, whether you’re using a hostel washing machine or a lake. They can be styled in a lot of different ways and dressed up and down depending on what’s worn with them. If you’re hiking, they’re great for doing long walks in but are also stylish enough to explore a city in. You should definitely invest in some high-quality T-shirts before your trip

Swimming Costumes

Again, this is a clothing item that is relevant no matter the type of hiking trip you’re going to take. When you’re hiking through forests and mountains, you could find a beautiful spot of water that you can go free swimming in. Therefore, it’s a good idea to bring a swimming costume or trunks just in case. Furthermore, even if you’re backpacking through cities, you may find yourself in the Budapest baths or at the beach in Sicily. It’s a good idea to pack one or two swimming costumes or trunks and a towel, as you never know where you could end up!

Comfy Shoes 

If you’re going on a backpacking trip in nature, you should really take some hiking boots and trainers with you on your trip. This will allow you to walk for long distances comfortably and enjoy your backpacking experience without pain. However, it’s also important to pack comfortable shoes if you’re backpacking through cities. You’ll be doing a lot of walking too, so you need to wear shoes that support your feet. Make sure not to pack too many shoes, as there won’t be enough space in your backpack. Instead, focus on bringing shoes that are adaptable and comfortable, and able to go with all of your clothes. 

Going Out Clothes 

Taking party clothes with you won’t be necessary if you’re in nature, but if you’re interrailing, you might find a cool party and bar and want to check it out. However, you don’t want to take up backpack space with clothes you may not wear. It might be a good idea to take a few going out tops with you that you can wear with your jeans, as this way you can save a lot of space. It might be a good idea to take one or two going out dresses if you like to go to bars, however, take care not to overcrowd your backpack. 

Packing for a backpacking trip is easy once you know where to begin – follow this guide, and you won’t miss out on anything when going on your trip!


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